

About Me

Welcome! If you have landed on this page, there is a reason your soul has guided you here.

My name is Taylor Pazdro and I am a Reiki Master, Multi-Dimensional Channel, and Galactic Ambassador. My goal within my healing work is to clear stagnant energy, trauma, & negative programming from your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies so that you can embody your highest essence, retrieve all soul fragments, and reawaken your ancient wisdom.

I work closely with the Pleadians and elementals to assist in humanity’s shift into the next Golden Age. If you are intrigued in the topics of chakra healing, past lives, dimensions, extraterrestrials, and more, check out my offerings or articles below.

Get curious and let yourself explore!



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Writing has been a skill and passion of mine ever since I can remember. In my Blog Section, I will be sharing articles about spirituality, esoteric knowledge, ancient/mystical practices, interdimensional beings, quantum realms, New Earth, complete wellness, and more!